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學校 精神

Wentworth 小學反對一切形式的種族主義、偏見和歧視。學校支持多樣性並促進良好的個人和社區關係。多樣性被認為在學校內發揮著積極的作用。




To act positively towards ourselves, others and our environment.


To have a go, take risks and do the right thing.


To listen with understanding and appreciate the opinions of others.


To work hard, be determined and keep going.


To ask questions, keep an open mind and always be ready to learn.


To be thorough so we can feel good about our achievements and those of our community.

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Respect - To act positively towards ourselves, others and our environment.

Empathy - To listen with understanding and appreciate the opinions of others.

Curiosity - To ask questions, keep an open mind and always be ready to learn.

Courage - To have a go, take risks and do the right thing.

Resilience - To work hard, be determined and keep going.

Pride - To be thorough so we can feel good about our achievements and those of our community.


The school ethos is encapsulated in the Wentworth Deal.

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